We are happy to share our information and knowledge to assist in growing and securing your financial future. Please use the tabs below to guide you through the topics relevant to your interest.
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Want Your Life Insurance Policy to Help a Cause? Donate Proceeds to a Charity!
Charities epitomize what is good in society, through selfless acts that aid in making the world a better place to live in. A charity may have benefited you or simply have a mission that you identify with, and it is therefore natural to want to lend your support to the cause.
Donating your life insurance benefits to a charity can ensure you are able to pass on a helping hand that will also cement your legacy after death. Permanent insurance for life is better suited…
Be Your Own Banker by Using Life Insurance as a Source of Liquidity
If you are an affluent investor, then life insurance is definitely an investment worth considering, whether you want to make investments to secure your future or simply have an added reserve for your existing estate, as well as a solid retirement plan.
Books like “LEAP” by Robert Castiglione, “Be your Own Banker” by R. Nelson Nash or the more recent “Bank on Yourself” by Pamela Yellen go to great lengths to explain the concept of investing in life insurance as a source of liquidity, and death…
9 Loopholes Your “Perfect Insurance Plan” Might Have
Think you’ve got the best life insurance policy around? Think again!The basic reason why people get insurance is because it’s a great way to financially secure your future and prevent any untoward incident from completely depleting your savings. It can help to provide long-term care during old age, or a supplemental source of income after retirement. Moreover, if you are quite the spendthrift, then an insurance plan helps you save money too. Having insurance is mandatory for any good financial planning. However, there are a number of…
Align Your Insurance Policy With Your Life
Not everyone leads the same life. So, why should you take a life insurance policy that your best friend or sibling took? It is extremely crucial that your insurance policy meets and matches your lifestyle needs. It should compliment your life in order for it to maximize its benefits.
In order to do so, ask the following questions at every stage of choosing any type of life insurance.
What is my net worth?
How Life Insurance Can Make or Break Your Family
The importance of having life insurance goes up when you have people depending on you - like kids or old parents, or if you have mortgage or debt to pay. The question of ‘why do I need life insurance’ has been answered a lot of times. But if you need a few more reasons, then the following stories should help.
We Should Have Gotten Life Insurance While Planning The Baby
When I got pregnant, my husband and I knew that we had to…